Translate   12 years ago

Never Stop Fighting Do you ever sit down And everything that's ever happened Crashes upon you at once You're drowning in air Unable to see Exhaustion plays no part in the role of remembrance And you are reminded of those people The ones that helped, the ones who betrayed They say that people change They don't People don't change They adapt They say that the history of the world can change in a single moment And you think of all your moments And the pain, and the regrets, and the sadness As our society would say, it's sad, beautiful tragic And you think and think And you're engulfed in this nightmare People move around you, not knowing that You're mentally breaking Wave after wave Crashes on you You struggle to keep yourself afloat But as one memory passes Another dawns itself upon you You're suffering The world is upside down What did we ever do to deserve this To be swallowed in the sea But we come up, and we go to shore We walk along the heavenly beaches Each grain of sand has its own story to tell And now we know we will never escape The memories are just haunting Forms of torture And once this is realized, we start to accept And with acceptance comes a cure With the knowledge that a promised past Can lead to a hopeful future And you won't rid yourself of what you have done No one really does But if you never stop fighting Against those demonic, cruel things You will succeed And you will continue And the world will be right side up again

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