Traducciones   11 años

Chapter 2 Part 2 Of Weakness Shane ushered me out of the bedroom where the dead man lay. I shivered and Shane wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him. "Shane, I can't do this anymore if you won't tell me why". I told him as confidently as I could. He didn't answer for a bit then said, "Angie, you don't understand do you?". I was about to respond but he pulled a piece of cloth over my nose and mouth. I kicked and flailed. Why would he do this? I thought he loved me? Once again, why was he even doing these freaking things! Soon I was to tired and the drug affected me. I drifted away in Shane's arms. Just as I woke up last night's events came flooding back. I looked around at my surroundings. Shane's house. I was in his bedroom. I had only been here once before. I tried to get up but then I felt something at my ankle. I looked down. There was a rope binding me to the bed. I reached down to untie it but Shane walked into the room. "Trying to escape I see...". He mumbled. I nudged closer to the wall as he stepped towards me. "Now your my prisoner". He whispered in my ear once he was close. I whimpered. He leaned closer and kissed me. Wait what? Kissed me? And here I'm thinking he is kidnapping me and maybe going to kill me! He pulled away. "Shane, I'm getting mixed messages here!". I intruded. He smiled but said nothing. Damn you! Instead he leaned in and kissed me again. Dumbstruck. All I could do was kiss back. He leaned me back against the wall. Smashing his lips against mine. Then he released and walked out of the room. Ok weird. I'm very confused. Is he kidnapping me or kidnapping me? Am I just here for his pleasure?

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