One Day Sitting here thinking, one day I'm not going to go to school tomorrow. One day I'm not going to be able to see my friends every single day anymore One day we're all going to grow old and forget about half the people we spent the first 18 years of our lives with. One day some people are going t move away. One day me and my best friend won't talk every day like we used to. One day our young loves won't be around anymore. One day I'm probably never going to speak to half of my closest friends I had at school. One day #life won't be this easy. One day all my favourite bands and musicians won't be making any music. One day all the things that made me happy when I was young won't exist anymore. One day my parents won't be around anymore. One day I'll forget about the amazing times I had with my friends. Oe day I'm going to be too old to do the things I used to love to do. One day #life will change. I say I want to grow up so much. One day I'm going to regret wanting to grow up so quickly. One day #life just won't be the same .