Translate   12 years ago

Runaway To America: Chapter 1 That's it.' Jenny thought preparing her trunk, 'all done and ready to go.' "Jenny?" Debbie called, plodding slowly up the stairs, "it's lights out time." "Damn!" Jenny mumbled under her breath, zipping her trunk up and pushing under her bed hurriedly. "Jenny? Can I come in?" Debbie asked, tapping lightly on the door. "Yes, Debbie, I'm only reading." "Oh, you and your books. Well, you know the rules now, don't break them." She send in that awful tone in her voice. "But, Debbie, it's nearly the end of the chapter and you--" "Jenny, please! I have already told you twice, you have school tomorrow. Don't make me ask a third time." "Alright, Debbie," Jenny sighed and spoke again in her politest tone, "I understand. I'm sorry." "Now that's alright. As you know I'm going out tonight but Allan will be here to keep an eye on you, so I ant no trouble. Goodnight." And with that she pursed her lapsed and flounced out the room. Moments later Jenny heard the front door slam and clipping along the pavement, which soon faded away to nothing. Jenny absolutely hated it here, in foster care. It would help if she had some decent care workers. Her father left home leaving all the debt, taking the income with him. Jenny's mother couldn't cope and dumped Jenny and her younger sister, Millie, in foster care and took off to America. Millie was only five and didn't understand why her 'mummy' left her for America. She didn't know where America was except it was a long long way away. Away from her. Millie was nearly always being bullied. She didn't fit in at the home nor at school, and the teachers didn't do anything about it. So Jenny had decided to run away, to find her mum in America. She had it all planned out. She would sneak off in the middle of the night and take Millie with her. They would find shelter and then she would drop Millie off at another orphanage. One much better then this one. Then Jenny was going to go to America find her mum and then they could all be one big happy family again. As Jenny lied awake in her bed, she wondered, 'was this the best option? Will I be able to do it?' She shook herself abruptly. 'Of course she could do it. What was she thinking? This isn't the time to be having second thoughts!' She rolled over and smiled to herself. ' yes she would do it, because she had to.'

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