Tradurre   12 anni fa

These Bones Are Mine3 December twenty third, Stay home from church. Dad says I have to stay in my room. He thinks that is a punishment. My stomach is killing me. Literally. Don't give up and don't give in. I'm dizzy. This is good. Sit-ups will take my mind of the pain. One, two, three, .....14, 15. My mid section hurts worse. Time to weigh myself. Damn. I start to cry. I try to hold it in. I can't. I'm going insane. I am insane. I can smell my sister making potatoes. Just what I need. Ana- don't you dare! Me- Ana- what is that going to accomplish? Me- Ana- I thought so, close your door and do squats. She is right. My thighs burn. I don't eat, I can't sleep, I refuse to let my bones hide.

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