Translate   12 years ago

Misunderstood Its a long story havent finished it yet! ☺Hope you like it. Rats are scurrying along the tiled floor, trying to find some spare scraps. The room is large, there are no windows and only one door. The faded red paint is peeling of the walls and the door has no handle to get out of the damp dark and dingy room that the rats are trapped. a small stump of a candle is flickering a dim yellow glow across half the room.the place reeks of mould and pain... The door opens with an eerie creak. A small bald man hobbles in with a ball of cold vegetable soup he carelessly places it on the floor some of the green slop falls out,he looks petrified of what is trapped inside the room. Once he has hastily retreated from the room he slams the door shut behind him. A gigantic green and red snake slithers up to the bowl and tastes the air with its forked tongue. The snake quickly transforms into a small skeletal like girl. She is wearing a small torn dress which looks like it should of been dark pink but is now a lighter shade in places as it has been worn out. She has long black hair which #lifelessly lays on her back, her skin is as white as snow her eyes are shallow and her blood red irises give her a sinister look. She stares at the bowl cautiously then grasps it in her bruised and bloody boney hands she raises it to her chapped lips shakily then gulps the contents down like her #life depended on it. Once finished she crawls towards the far corner were scrunched up in a ball there is an old worn blanket. She carefully wraps it around herself trying not to rip a hole in the delicate fabric. Lying on her right side with only the blanket to keep her warm she nods of into a constantly occurring dream... In her dream she becomes her former 2 year old self. It is may the 26th 1998 this day is significant to her because its the day her mother dies and she gets imprisoned. She is sitting on a blood red throne which matched the colours of her eyes, on either side of her sits her father Stephan and his gorgeous wife Grace.He is the dad from hell. They had great hopes that there only child would grow up just like them with a reign of blood and destruction left behind her. She is wearing a silk black dress with red embroidery at the hem her father is dressed in a green cloak he has the same eye colour as raven her mother has the same black hair as her.she is wearing a deep purple satin dress that billows out behind her like wind. There each sitting on a throne which is raised up of the ground. The room is long and down the centre is a black carpet. The two oak doors open at the end of the room and two of Stephan's men came in dragging behind them a man. He had light brown hair, dark blue eyes and what looks like a broken nose. After being dragged in the men drop him down onto the floor with a fud they then slowly bowed to her father and left the room by a side exit. The man stared straight at the young girl " I pity you to have parents like these. " he gestures left and right, raven the young girl looks from her mother to her father. Her father has a look of disgust on his face "how dare you speak to my daughter. Your scum you don't deserve a voice! " her father slowly stands up from his seat and advances towards the quivering man on the floor.when he reached the person on the floor he said one word in latin then touched the mans forehead, he burst into flames. Stephan was a devil, the devil. Her mother was an angel before she met Stephan now she is a fallen angel. A corrupt version of something that was once beautiful. This wasn't the first time she had seen her father kill, but it still surprised her. She didn't know why he needed to kill every body, she stared in utter surprise at the ashes on the floor. She hated her father.The two men from early walked in and picked up the ashes .they then carried them out of the room to be disposed of. her father rose from his chair to tower over raven "can you to your room now raven me an your mother have some business to tend to" he told her in the fake voice he put on to talk to her. she nodded and walked of. One of her fathers favourite workers always accompanied her to her quarters she was very kind to raven. " sorry you had to see that ray" she said to her, she always cared for raven no matter what happened she was always there. " it's ok. Why does daddy do that all the time" the womans name was charlie she was her mothers best friend. "it's just the way he is" then she picked her up put her on her shoulders and carried her to the massive bedroom she occupied. Then out of nowhere came a loud bang. Shouts echoed out through the corridors. Charlie placed her on the bed and stood defensively over her. The door opened suddenly, her mother came charging in "Charlie protect her with your #life the royals are here" Everyone who was in the building was a Super natural.most were demons,some like charlie and grace were once angels. Charlie nodded once then a man stormed in dressed in a white and grey pin stripe suit his mouth in a grim line he charged at her mother. Wings grew out of his back while he was running, with one slash he swiped across her chest. She fell down. Dead. All of a sudden charlie was over at her mother side weeping and the man had disappeared in a puff of white smoke.Raven was crying her heart out ,outraged at her mothers death. She got of the bed and walked over to her mother. another man walked into the room, he was coming after raven . charlie stood up. the man charged. Raven had an unbelievable surge of rage "stop" she screamed. Both of them froze and looked at her the man was going to charge again but she swiped her hand through the air and he froze in mid stride. he watched in amazement as he stood frozen she pointed her finger at his forehead right between both his eyes. She whispered with a deathly calm voice "you bastard" The last look on his face was astonishment. She made a small upward flick with her wrist and like a gun he was shoot dead. charlie stared at her. She then laughed a real laugh and squeezed her tight. They left her bedroom and went to the entrance hall Stephan was fighting of 4men and 1 women raven shot 2 while charlie killed another 2 with a few flicks of her gorgeous dark grey wings. Now Stephan was facing of with the strongest of them all she stood with the stance of a warrior ,suddenly she was on top of him then with one touch she stripped his powers. he started to shake. it look like he was having an epileptic was the first time she had seen him look vunrable. He was fragile at this point of time. Even though he was frail he said in a strong unwavering voice "Your mother died saving you for that i shall kill you raven it is your fault your mother Is dead" The moment the words left his lips she burst into tears, she didn't care about him but she did care about her mother and that was really harsh. She felt betrayed. Suddenly drake walked in he was Stephan's second in command,taking in the seen before him he knelt beside his master " take raven and lock her up make her feel the pain her mother felt when she died because of her but do not kill her when I regain my power I will do the honours!" then he laught it was a bone shilling sound,she was grabbed by several arms. That was the last thing she heard before she was brought back to reality. Abruptly sitting up she found herself in the basement just like she had been for the past 14 years she had not seen sunlight since she was 2. Charlie was sitting across from her on the floor she looked the same as that night so long ago apart from the wrinkles. She came to visit once a month to see drake and tell him about what has been happening she also brought food down for raven. " I didn't mean to scare you ray. " she said in her sweet honey suckle voice. " it's okay" she looked her over "they need to give you more food and stop beating you. Your barely surviving" she always pointed this out it's the only time you ever see her angry. Drake and a few more of my fathers men came into the basement once a day to torture Raven. They follow there masters orders well. She's been shot,stabbed,whipped and burned they always use different methods she never knew there were that many out there. Through all the pain she still made a plan to escape which she was going to use tomorrow. She had realised when she was 2 that she was special no other toddler can do magic and no other devil can perform magic without a words. Ever since then she had been practising her magic she hasn't told any one she can do it not even Charlie . She can create almost anything apart from food. Her favourite thing is transforming into a snake. Not only Is she the most powerful devil in the world she is also amensly strong although you may not think that when you look at her. When she gets sudden spurts of rage she literally takes out chunks of the solid brick wall.she knew the routine well at seven o'clock a old man would come in and place her food down he would leave the door open by a smidge well over the thickness of a snakes body. So she would transform into the snake and slither out through the door. The man never looks to see if raven is around he is to petrified to look at anything but the floor. Once she has slivered out she won't transform into her normal self until she is free . At 9 Sergio comes in for a daily torture session once he realises that she has gone he will sound the alarm and hopefully she would be as far away as possible. until then she has decided to go to sleep. It was the same dream as before , she kept tossing and turning. Then she woke up. She had sweat beads dripping down from her forehead. It was time she got ready. She slowly stood up then stumbled to the floor. Carefully she tied the blanket round her waist. Once done, she transformed into a snake, she was very agile in her snake form she slithed up to the door in a zig-zag pattern. She curled up into a ball at the side of the door to wait for her breakfast.the man hobbled in on time with the same slop that she had ate most of her #life. When he stepped away from the door she slithered her gigantic body out. She was out of the dungeon finally.Now she has to find her way out of the labyrinth that was once her family home.

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