Translate   12 years ago

Santa? I will never forget the time Santa clause went missing. It was Christmas Eve and I sat with my covers up to my nose praying for Santa. I stayed up the whole night waiting for a sign of Santa but not a sound I heard. Soon it was morning and I woke up my brother, two sisters and parents and raced downstairs. "Maya, wait at the bottom for everyone to catch up." Called my mum. I waited with my hand on the doorknob, palms sweating and heart beating so much it almost came out of my chest. I opened the door wide and everyone gasped in astonishment. Where were all the presents? I clicked the tv on and stood in amazement at the story that was filling the screen. Santa had gone missing. I stood gawping in confusion. Where had he gone? I spent most of the day crying, locked up in my room, wasting the christmas holiday and watching the news until Santa appeared on my screen. He said that he had been found and we would all have to wait untill next year to get our presents. I had wasted christmas locked up in my room not seeing anyone and would have to wait till next year for Christmas? I should have just forgotten about it and enjoyed christmas. The moral of the story is that Christmas is not just about presents, it's about sharing Christmas with your family and friends! (And the presents!!!) Inspired by Maryam

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