übersetzen   11 Jahre

I sunk to the floor as the bloody knife fell out of my hands. "This has gone to far". I whispered to Shane as he lifted me up from the floor. He smirked, "but nobody knows, love". He whispered back as he wrapped his arms around me, God I loved when he called me love. "But it's bad, we've killed too many people". I said, feeling innocent and small, not strong and powerful like Shane promised. He chuckled, but he said nothing. We stood there for a few seconds, staring at the dead body in front of me. "Come, Angie, we better get back before anybody notices". Shane said as we walked of the house. I shivered in the cold winter night. How could I go on like this? I tiptoed up the stairs to my room, careful not to wake my sleeping mother. I shut the door and then turned around, facing my room. I jumped as Shane crept from the shadows, "you scared me!". I said, hitting him on the arm. He looked at me hungrily, like I was a big meaty burger from In and Out. "Shane? Why are you here?". I questioned him, realizing how strange it was for him to come back. Shane stepped closer, I could feel his breath on my neck. "I'm here for you". He pushed my hair from my face. "Shane? Wha-". I started then he cut me off as he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back, his lips pressed against mine. They fit perfectly. Then he let go and walked out of my room and out the front door. I sighed. He teased me like that a lot, I was used to it. That didn't mean I liked it. I woke up to my mom yelling at me "Angie! You better be awake!". She yelled. "Coming!". I yelled back. I quickly dressed, dashing around my room. When I finally rushed downstairs, my mom sat at the table. Eating an apple. "Here!". She tossed me an apple. I caught it and bit in. "Well, bye mom". I said. Running out the door. I jumped in my car, turning on the ignition and driving off to school. I met Shane at the front and he gave me a peck on the cheek. Damn! That's all I get? Really? "Shane.". I said to him as we walked inside. "Yes love?". He asked me. "That's it?". I said to him. He looked at me and I'm pretty sure he understood because he leaned in for a REAL kiss. Our lips met and I stood on my tippie toes to reach him. His fingers caressed my hair. "Hello Mr. Daniel, Ms. Pelli, having fun?". I heard Mr. Kelly say. "Oh yeah! Sorry". I pulled away from Shane. He smirked and we both just stood there. Awkwardly. I parted from Shane and walked off to my first period. School was soooo lame today. We had to watch a science video about photosynthesis in science, random stuff in math....yeah I really didn't like school very much. I was so excited to graduate in 5 months. As I settled into my chair in my room I grabbed my phone and texted Shane. "Come over please?". Sent. "Yep On my way!". Reply. I smiled. I heard a knock on my door and Shane walked in. "Your mom let me in, what's up?". He said. I giggled. "I wanted to see you". I chimed. "Yeah, great reason for me to stop playing my video game-". I cut him off. This time I leaned in for a kiss. We kissed passionately for a bit and he leaned me back against the wall, his hands moved down my body. Making me jittery and tingly all over. The he pulled away and his smile turned to a doubtful frown. "We have another job, there is money involved". He whispered. "Please, why do we have to kill people! You said we didn't have to kill many!". I said. I always wondered why we had to do this. All he would tell me was that we needed to and we where the only ones who could do it. Persuasion also encountered kissing..... But I still never knew why....

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