Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Boys Y'all, They Confuse Us So if you are an adult....then you've had much more experience with guys then I have, but. I'm still able to get inside their heads. Asking a guy out: Don't be creepy! So you know in movies when the girls are like, in awe or something when a guy talks to them....they just stand there and stare. I don't think anybody actually does that? Ok? Be normal, ok so it's ok to be weird but basically what I'm saying is be yourself. Never ever change for a guy or for anyone! Just be nice ask them out, ok? They might seem like gods, but they are just human beings, girls. So just calm down. The better approach is starting a conversation. You don't walk up to a guy and say "hi wanna go out?". Also, don't put pressure on them to go out with you if they don't know you very well. Maybe say..."Hey, do you wanna go to that party on Saturday?". 50% of the time guys say "YES". The other 50%...well...sorry girls. Rejection: Rejection, the enemy of dating. If a guy rejects you? Don't feel miserable! He is missing out! Sure, it's ok to shed a few tears, but don't go all "I'm going to lock myself in my room till I die". As I said before, they ant gods. There is someone out there for you! That's some advice for tonight, they key to this. Be yourself. Love ya, Ruby

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