#life Of A Loner: Part 5 It's just gone half nine and I've finally eaten dinner and finished my homework. I leap onto my bed and lie flat on my back. Maybe this would be a good time to call Jay. I drag my bag over to the side of my bed and I hunt for the envelope Jays brother, Evan gave to me. I finally find it wedged in the bottom of my bag and I yank it out. As i open it I find one ticket for the rugby match Jay had mentioned before. I scan the ticket trying to find out when the match actually is. I eventually see the date written right at the bottom. Okay, so the game is tomorrow night at seven o'clock. I don't think I'm busy then and I'm sure if I am it's nothing important. I grab my phone from the bedside table, and turn over the ticket to reveal Jays number which he had written on the back of it. I started typing his number into my phone then saved it onto my contact list. I then hesitate slightly before calling it. No going back now. It rang for at least ten seconds before he picked up. "Hi who is this", he questioned in a slightly sleepy voice. God I hope I didn't wake him up! "Hiya, it's Kristen form school today", I replied trying to sound as friendly as possible. "Oh, hi Kristen I was hoping you'd call. So do you think you can come to the match",he asked. Oh my god, he was hoping I called! Does that mean he's been thinking about me? I hope it does. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can",I answered while trying to keep my cool. "Oh, that's great", he replied enthusiastically. "Uh, see you then", I said, not really being able to think of anything better to say. "See you then",Jay repeated and at that he hung up. I fell back on my bed happily and smiled to myself before falling to sleep. Sorry I was planning on posting more but I've recently started writing 2 separate stories on Wattpad. Please read them and vote, comment and fan me! My name on it is: emmzstar_writes . I'll try and make more of an effort to write! Also please comment your thoughts on my story or just generally any questions, I don't mind replying. WARNING: its probably going to very romantic and cheesy in the next chapter/part so watch out! Thanks for reading and hope you guys all have a great Christmas!!!!x