Translate   12 years ago

Who can forget that tragic day The year 1970, the month of May The national guardsmen's poised on a hill Their rifles aimed, ready to kill Gunfire soon filled the air People screaming and running everywhere Gun smoke drifted in the air Bodies were scattered everywhere Four students lay there dead Others wounded by the flying lead By now the cops were moving in People were asking, where have they been? Untrained soldiers with loaded guns Killing people's daughters and sons Many people wondered what gave them the right To move against the students with that much might Why did they shoot into a crowd like that Knowing the students wouldn't shoot back Students are armed with picket signs But I wondered who committed the crimes? The students were marching against the war What were the guardsmen even there for? A demonstration that took a bad turn I wonder if any lessons are learned From the events that took place that day When four college students are blown away For the second Friday of December It happened again this terrible tragedy This time its at a elementary school Where a mental man had his turn He shot twenty children For the sake of nothing Hug and tell your friends and family you love them, because this might the last time you can! Shiv

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