Translate   12 years ago

Harry's day out one night on the 28th of October Harry said to his self I'm going to go shopping Lou want to come "no thanks mate need to finish of writing our song" aww ok said Harry what about you Niall "umm sorry I'm going to nandos for lunch they have a huge sale on all you can eat for 2 hours" aww ok what about you Liam "yeah sure I will come I need to get my turtle a new tank anyway" what about you zayn " sorry can't it's meant to be windy today and plus I need to go to the hairdressers sorry" aww ok looks like me and Liam are going shopping "you better not take 1 hour in every shop Harry" said Liam "I won't promise" said Harry "you said that last time and we ended up being in the shop for an hour" said Liam "hey that was a good shop it had kittens in it what was I meant to do leave the kittens there" Said Harry "that's exactly what you should of done left the kittens in the pet shop" said Liam fine then I will go shopping by myself don't bring kittens home I do not want to pick up there poo off the floor again said Niall I won't said Harry ok then let's go Harry said Liam 5 hours later Hey where back "that took you a long time" said Louis "yeah well we where in the pet shop looking for a tank for my turtle and Harry found some kittens and we needed to call the police because he was stuffing them down his pants so the police came and took him out of the pet shop" said Liam "thank god for that or I would of been stuck with cleaning the poo up off the floor" Niall said *harry comes in crying* what wrong said Liam "well the kitten I saw today was really cute and I miss her" said Harry look said Niall I will take you out tomorrow and we can see if we can bye you a kitten, thanks said harry and the next day they got Harry his kitten he wanted and one direction lived happily ever after.

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