Tradurre   12 anni fa

Just Another Day I sit here in my cold room And I feel so numb Why can't I live? I've fallen to the bottom… My mind wonders off To the world of dreams If only I could go there Oh how pleasant it seems I hear my name Somewhere in the distance Oh it's you again… Where is my resistance? I already know the story It's been done again and again You'll just lock me up Why can't I be like the free men? But as I think about it I am free Until you come back And corner me in another alley But you mean so much You mean everything to me So I take the beatings and pain Until all my bones are achy And my friends tell me That I will only get hurt But after you're done There's always some dessert You never really leave You're always there With the cheating and lies You're always having some affair So here I sit Alone, in my cold room Waiting for you Waiting for my own doom

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