Traducciones   12 años

Don't Love Me. pt 3 My friend is pretty so what a lot of people think that about there friends it dose not mean I like her like that. God I scared myself there haha having the hots for a girl haha. ********************** Finally it's Friday the weekend and its movie night the night where I get to wear my yoga pants and eat ice cream and chill with my best friend. Taylor will be over in about 20mins and everything will be fine she's gay so what she was gay last week i just dint know * knock knock knock ding dong* Could she be anymore impatient. Come on in I have like 7 movies and 3 kinds of nice cream. She handed me her coat and as she took her hand back it brushed my back. OMG SHE'S MAKING A MOVE. She will probably want in my pants next great I'm going to have to have sex with my best fiend. Wait what the hell am I talking about god calm down holly just breath she is your friend now go get fat and watch some movies. About half way thru our 4th movie we were both beyond tired not being to keep ours eyes open. "Hey wanna go to bed " I could badly muster up the energy to say yes but I slowly dragged myself up stairs to my bed. Dam I forgot to make a bed on the floor with her oh well she can sleep with me no big deal.

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