Translate   12 years ago

The Trials Abigail Williams sat in the dark not even a candle piercing the shadows. The last witches would hang in the morning, she couldn't wait. She and her followers were already looking for the next batch of girls. She was determined to have Goody Proctor hung, she could already taste the sweet, sweet revenge. How dare John talk to her like a child! Even after their affair, oh how she missed him. She couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking of her right now. Abigail sighed. Soon my love we will be together and no one can stop us not even the Devil himself. She looked at the almost finished poppet, she'd finish it in the first rays of light. She stood and walked to the window. In the moonlight she could see the jail holding the accused. Tomorrow. The sun began its slow ascension into the sky. The mist swirled around the bases of trees and the dew covered flowers. The townsfolk lay sleeping within their homes.The birds chirp happily, dancing back and forth between the trees prancing among the clouds. The birds began to chase the flies surrounding the corpses. The witches had been hung not three hours before, their faces swollen grotesquely. On some their tongues hung out on others the crows had already pecked them out, noses were missing, empty eye sockets stared blankly condemning all to their torment. Yet none of it fazed Abigail she stepped forward and studied each body. Their were two ways to die when hanged: if you fell far enough your neck would break and you'd die quickly otherwise you strangled slowly. Most died the hard way. "Horrible, isn't it?" Abigail spun around to look Reverend Parris In the eye. "Oh! Hello uncle you had frightened me." Abigail said tentatively. She hoped her anger didn't show in her eyes. She scowled herself for not hearing him approach. Reverend Parris nodded "I'm sorry child, but no one should see this obscenity especially the messenger of God." Abigail smiled " Thank you uncle, now lets begone of this wretchedness." They started walking back to their mansion. "When does the court start, Uncle?" Parris looked at her reverently "In half an hour my dear niece." Abigail missed a step, half an hour? She wouldn't have enough time to finish the poppet, appearances be damned she'll just have to finish it in court. She sighed no one would notice it they'd be totally immersed with the accused. Parris didn't notice her reaction. "With the power you have my child, there will be no more evil in all of Salem, perhaps we could even move on to help the rest of the colonies with this evil assaulting the very face of God." Abigail thinly smiles. "Of course Uncle." So much she could do in all of the colonies all the power she could have. John would be hers, Goody Proctor would be long dead. No one could stop her. She'd be a true God on earth. "Alright my dear I'm off to talk to the judge I will see you in the court." Abigail looks at her uncle and kisses him on the cheek. "I will see you there Uncle." She'd have to find a way to get rid of him, he was just a gibbering fool. Patience, patience focus on Goody Proctor first she needed to die so she could be with John. Abigail strode into the mansion and scaled the stairs into her room. She quickly found the poppet and tucked it within a fold of her dress. She looked around the room and walks to her dresser and grabs a pin needle. Abigail touches the top of the needle. Perfect. She turns and heads to the court house. The court house lies full, again. Abigail smiles. All of this to see Gods gift and some innocent woman hang, or condemn themselves to an eternity of hate and distrust. Abigail looks over at Mary Warren god how she hated her. Mary was so naive and innocent. Abigail thought it was funny that Mary thought she was a true member of Abigail's little cult she was as much a poppet as the one she was making for Goody Proctor. Goody Proctor? She frowned Goody Proctor she didn't deserve that title. It was Abigail's right to be called Goody Proctor, Elizabeth was an imposter she deserved to be stoned till she died. Abigail smirked. She placed the pin needle into the poppets abdomen. Elizabeth would pay. She couldn't help but remember all those nights with John how she had missed him. But that whore Elizabeth had taken him away from her and thrown her out as a harem. She would be stoned and her own sons would help. Abigail smothered a grin such a thing would be heresy in the court house. She put the poppet under her dress and tried not to sleep through the proceedings, it simply wouldn't do to have so much power and be seen sleeping in court. What would people say? Abigail grabs Mary's arm not ungently. Mary jumps at the sudden contact and looks into Abigail's smiling eyes. "Mary would you do me the kindness of finishing this poppet for me? I seem to never be able to finish these accursed things." She smiles and holds up the poppet for Mary to see. "I-I uhh sure thing Abby." Mary takes the poppet as Abigail try's to smother the urge to hit her. "Would you also do me the kindness of delivering this poppet to Goody Proctor?" Abigail ground her teeth at the use of her soon to be title. "What ever for Abby?" "Because she had given it to me long ago to fix and I hadn't finished it. So, I want you to take it to her and say nothing of it. Understand?" Abigail raises an eyebrow at Mary's shocked face. "Question?" "No Abby I'll never question you." Abigail smiles at her but her eyes hold a cold menace. "I'm glad Mary I would hate to lose you, your such a good friend to me." O how it tortured her to say that to this vile spineless girl. She tried not to grind her teeth again. Mary smiled "Thank you Abby I'll finish it right away." The fool started on it instantly, and left the needle back in the abdomen. Abigail choked back the smile threatening her lips. The bait was set, now it was time for the hook. Abigail sat at the dinner table. Next to Reverend Parris and Betty. She looked at the roast pheasant, sweet potatoes, and corn. The entire room smelt of the tantalizing meal. The aroma came and danced upon the senses, you could taste the meal just by its scent. Abigail had better plans. She readied the needle, she already hated this part. With speed and ferocity she shoved the needle into her stomach as if she were stabbing Elizabeth herself. Abigail screamed with fear and pain and fell to the floor. Reverend Parris bolted up from his chair throwing it against the wall. "Abigail! Whatever is the matter child?" He rushed to Abigail's side. Abigail looks past him into the ceiling. "Goody Proctor? No! Please don't hurt me! I never meant to displease you!" Abigail wails with such a ferocity that Reverend Parris falls back from her, Betty screams with fright and covers her ears. "Goody Proctor please stop! Oh sweet Lord my stomach! Why do you hurt me so?" Blood drips from the wound in her stomach Abigail smiles inwardly perfect she didn't get deep enough to puncture anything vital, but deep enough to bleed profusely. The needle sticks out and Reverend Parris grabs ahold of it and pushes Abigail down. "Hold on child, I will save you in Gods name!" As Reverend Parris yanks the needle from her body Abigail screams again. "Get her Uncle! Get Goody Proctor before she attacks me again!" Mr Parris stares at the needle in disbelief. "Of course Abigail, Betty come help take care of her!" Reverend Parris quickly stands and runs to awaken Judge Hawthorne. Abigail stands and lets a small smile cross upon her lips. Revenge is mine. The court house is full once again. Abigail smiles in spite of herself. Everything's going to plan John will be hers Elizabeth will be stoned regardless of her pregnancy. She'll see to that with a voice like hers things just happened. This child will show you John let me flex for you to make everything mine. Wait, Mary? Shock reads plainly across Abigail's face. Mary Warren sits within the stand shy and timid. Abigail looks around the room and sees John, her heart flutters. He turns and sees her and her heart freezes. Hate is written plainly across his features. No this can't happen like this. "Ye-yes sir Judge Hawthorne the poppet was Abigail's. She had given it to me before you had accused Goody Proctor." John Proctor quickly stands. "Its true sir my wife hasn't had a poppet since she was a girl." Judge Hawthorne quietly looks at the crowd. "Mr. Proctor, wasn't Abigail Williams working for your household as a maid? Why was she fired?" Abigail sits quietly an avatar of solace, but on the inside she was ecstatic. John surely wouldn't ruin his name for his lowly wife. "Be-Because I wasn't faithful... Me and Abigail had an affair." Abigail's face drops. No. This wasn't possible. He ruined himself over Elizabeth. She could feel the stares from everyone in the court. No one could speak. Abigail is the first to stand. "I will not be accused of adultery!" Judge Hawthorne head snaps up at her. "Silence! Mr. Proctor do you speak the truth? And only the truth?" John looks at his feet and shuffles nervously. "Yes sir I love my wife and I face my sins." ~End him~ Abigail freezes. She looks around no one else heard the voice. ~End him my child. Join me truly become the messenger of God. End this heretic.~ Abigail looks over at John and all her feelings come into conflict. She loved John she couldn't hurt him. Yet here he stood damning her in front of the court. ~He never loved you.~ Mary had betrayed her. Her cult looked to her for guidance. Reverent Hale walks to Judge Hawthorne and whispers in his ear. Whatever he said sparks interest within Judge Hawthorne. "Abigail Williams you are under arrest as is the rest of your group until we sort this matter."Abigail's cult freezes. ~Do it child.~ The voice was seductive. And spoke in whispers as if they shared a secret. Yet it was so benign with each word it said it promised safety and friendship and love. Abigail knows that the girls will point fingers. They'll use her as a lamb to save themselves. As she'd do the same. ~Become my messenger, be my vassal.~ John walks to her and looks her in the eye. "Oh Abigail, how could you do this to us? Though you can wish upon a stare, but know that wont save you. God has forsaken thee to hell. Your going to hang from the sky." ~The end is now.~ Abigail grabs the dagger hidden within the folds of her dress. Before anyone can react she plunges the blade into Johns stomach. Shock plays across Johns face then settles into a steel resolves. "I'll see you when we burn child." Then the world fades to black. ~You did good my dear, you did excellent.~ Abigail opens her eyes and sees a pile of wood. She tries to move and realizes she's tied to a stake. I'm going to burn. "Your lies no longer trouble us witch." She looks to see Elizabeth standing before her with a torch. Reverend Parris and Mary Warren work beside her spraying liquor on the wood. Oh god. Abigail smiles at Elizabeth. "How did it feel to know your husband shared my bed? Repeatedly?" Elizabeth stiffens and drops the torch at Abigail's feet. The fire spread rapidly to her skirts. Abigail looks at Mary Warren and her stoic face still flashing the malevolent smile. Abigail knows it will haunt Mary for the rest of her #life. "I'll be seeing you Mary." The fires rise through to her legs melting the dresses fabric to her thighs. ~Come join me, my child.~ The voice once holding no malice was belligerent. She felt the entities presence within her head. Glorifying in her ~This is nothing compared to what you will do. You will become my vassal, you will have your revenge on Mary Warren, Elizabeth Proctor, Judge Hawthorne, and the rest of the village.~ She screamed surely she was going insane the voice held so many promises. Yes, they will pay for this. The fire leapt to her hair. She stared out into the crowd no longer terrified. She could see a standing shadow behind the crowd watching her burn. An unnatural black smear across the forest. In the center of its face blue flames rise in its eyes. ~The deal is struck.~ As the fire closed around her face forming a fiery halo she sees the gates of hell loom over her. The world begins to fade to white. I will serve my lord. The essence laughs, a sweet sound like wind chimes within a slow breeze. ~Do you believe in the Devil my child?~

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