To All Victims Of Bullying Dear Victim, You are beautiful! you are stunning and lovable. You are honest and true!…. and haters are not! They are jealous, mean, insecure, and cowards for picking on you. But know this, EVERYONE is a victim. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! But no matter what, always hold your head up high! Be strong! Because one thing haters LOVE…. is when you believe what they “claim” you are. Freshmen year of middle school i was diagnosed with #depression, insomnia, and anxiety disorder (because i allowed people to bully me). The insomnia portion of my diagnoses was from staying up all night thinking about EVERY… SINGLE… HURTFUL… thing some bully said or did to me and how i “deserved” to be treated like that. So every sleepless night, every little negative thing i went through each day started adding up. Which soon led me into not wanting to take care of my self by not eating, exercising, surrounding myself with people that loved me and supported me. Which then led to me wondering…. “should i let myself live?” I knew if i kept up the lack of eating, sleeping and drinking i could just slowly… die. THANKFULLY! i had amazing parents that caught on to what i was trying to do. They sent me to great doctors, a wonderful councilor, and going on anti depressants, i was nursed back to health. And after that, i realized 1 thing, all the things bullies had said to me had NOTHING to do with ME lol. They ALL said i was ugly, fat, stupid, and a "pimple freak” (cause of my uncontrollable acne at the time). They NEVER ONCE pointed out how i was missing a limb, or made fun of me being a dwarf. People will just be mean 2 you… and it will have NOTHING to do with who you are as a person! So let them do there thing…. cause they will never change. I hope that helped stay beautiful and stay strong
a whisper
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