The Death Of Bess And The Highwayman. Once lived a woman called Bess and she lived with her father Steve (the landlord) they were at the diamond inn until one day a highwayman came ridding in the middle of the night on his horse and came galloping fast as he could so he got his musket and pistol out and said"Your #life or your money."So some people say #life but the highwayman kills them but still takes there money so he can be rich but then he saw his next suspect on the rode so he said the same thing but it was money this time so the highwayman opened the curtain and saw a woman called Bess the prettiest woman in the world couldn't take his eyes off her one bit so he saw her all this time for eight months but then one horrible night tim found out that the highwayman was going out with Bess! He got furious so then he went to king George's men and asked them to kill the highwayman so they went to the diamond inn and they locked Bess inside the room but...... BANG BANG went the pistol Bess killed herself and that was a warning to the highwayman to show that king George's men was in the inn the highwayman turned around and galloped fast away from the town but king George's soldiers ground the highwayman and they got their musket and pistols out and.....BANG BANG went the pistols and the muskets. They were turned into ghosts and they done the same thing over and over again until the day they were married to them selves together in the diamond inn.

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