The Selfless Stone Pt2 I check my dress, yup all of the jewels are still sown in the hems. I hear people walking down the hallway. I close my eyes and fake sleep. The footsteps fade. Not the guards. I stand up, I can't handle this! Waiting to be arrested for something I haven't done! I am Princess Victoria, why is mother doing this? She must be mad I get the throne on my eighteenth birthday. Oh that bitch! Stealing my land! I will have her head for this! Foot steps in the hall again. No, I won't look shocked like I planned. I won't run. I want to look in mothers eyes as I tell everyone her plan to steal the throne! She may of been a great queen but this is unacceptable! I grab my golden brush. As I brush my long golden hair I think how I want to look perfect for this. A knock at the door. "Come in guardsman, I know why you're here. I will come peacefully. I also deny all accusations." I look at the door. A lone guard enters. He looks into my eyes. "Your majesty... I'm sorry" the look in his eyes says he is telling the true. I guess I can let him live... I walk down familiar halls, knowing the servants are looking when they think I'm not. It is okay, it's not every day the princess is arrested. I walk into the Decision Room. There stand the noble men and women, and the priests, and then mother. "Hello mother, how is your night?" She looks at me, her smirk wiped clean off her face. "My dearest dearest Victoria, my night is horrible. Having to do this... Well I'm sickened how you could even do this to your kingdom." I stare into her eyes... "Well mother I am not the one who betrayed this land." She looks me dead in the eyes... "You betrayed this kingdom the day you were born. I have no choice but to expel you to the wilds. I know you don't understand, but it must be done. I'm sorry" I feel my dress, I have money, allies, charm, I can ruin this land. No I want to hurt her... I feel my dress for the knife I have hidden. "Fine but can I at least say good bye to little Sarah first? " my mother looks at me, this is not strange to her, I have always had a soft spot for her. My mother motions for the guards to bring her. Soon she and my brother mike are in front of me. I know they will be banished too one day... I feel the knife and look Mike and Sarah in the eyes, "I love you guys. I hope one day I can meet you guys again." I look at mike, I quickly in one swift move drive the knife deep into his heart. I hear mother gasp. I hear her scream and cry. All I do is let the tears flow... I loved him, but I had to make revenge one day. And today was that day. I am escorted to the prison right after. I shall be thrown into the wilds the very next day I assume.

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