I Wont Listen! Why do you make fun of me?!! Medrawing a anime girl* Other girls: ohh whats that it looks weird?!! Me: i-its a anime dont you see here's the head the eyes nose and mouth? Other girls: haha it looks weird what is a anime anyway a baby cartoon?!*laughing* Me: what n-no anime is different! Other girls: worthless it likes dumb get into different things!*walk away* Melooks at the drawing*...no im liveing on this no way i should listen!!! (7 years later the girl is 21 and is a famous artist of anime and other drawing the other girls WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT HAPPENED? Anyway see she was nice and she tried hard even if they bullied her she didn't give up and the other girls just didnt know better they never knew what they should have been doing...encouraging her but no so see be like her never give up and be proud of what you do!)

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