Translate   12 years ago

You, Inspired The sombre way that would scarcely transition away from the arms of which are lain, mournful of the emotional attachment that is found devoid of reason and logic that swells and weaves into every fibre of any being. A feeling that peaks interest and exudes perfection while simultaneously represses negativity and casts aside doubt and malcontent, the heart remains alike a cloud of rain of which is full and bursting at the seams ready to radiate the beauty and splendour held captive in your eyes and allowed to flow forth unto whom you gaze unfaltering and purest. The first look so inviting without agenda or cause just simply great effect the only consequence is falling forever but not into an abyss, rather something less ominous which envelopes the heart and encapsulates a deep meaningful passion exempt of restraint, free to roam, free to feel, free to cherish and more importantly free to love. A waves that washes upon the shore also cleanses the deepest recesses and incomparable wonder unleashed with every display of your warm personality so welcoming and bereft of judgement, conditioned and humble if this is heaven then an angel you must be, nothing comes close to the delight of your being and everyone else falls short of the example and standard of class you carry with every step and every breath, falling is so easy especially when it's for you.

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