Translate   12 years ago

Witchunter Midday in Danbury. Clouds in the sky no sun could be seen, not at all. A few lanterns were alight in the street but it was so dark, no one could tell it was midday or midnight. People had now just started to appear on the streets, making their way through thickets of mud that filled the streets. This was mainly due to the often and almost nonstop downpour of rain. Danbury was a simple village in the southwest of the Dwarf lands. A place mainly inhabited by dwarves, but also men. The people here were also quite simple. They never went out the village or travelled any where out the lands. This was for the rangers. The rangers were men, dwarves and elves(very few elves these days). They originated around Danbury a few hundred years ago. They keep watch around the dwarf lands, keeping out all kinds of danger. This ranges from orcs, Haoma's, trolls and drunken folk. A typical ranger would be seen wearing a quiver of arrows, a sword at his side, and primarily wearing brown. They are commonly recognised wearing jerkins and their big iconic boots, splattered with mud. Back to Danbury now, where two people had arrived at the gates. One clad in grey robes, the other was a ranger. They entered the village where the villagers themselves, gave them a few queer looks. They are like that there, suspicious of outsiders. They don't like the rangers, and never trust them. They walked through the streets where the crooked, steep pitched buildings, overshadowed every step into the muck filled, diseased infested puddles. They continued to walk with queer eyes watching. They walked along a parallel street. No ways of turning of anywhere. Just had t keep going on straight. They did come to an end, as at the end of the street was a house. A house that was two times taller than the other buildings. It was built upon rocks that emerged from the ground. It was quite a ramshackle house as one side was held up by a dozen beams. The two people walked up a set of stairs carved out of the rock leading to the front door. A young man opened the door. "Hullo there" he said surprised. " what can I do for you two?

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