Catcher Catastrophes (pg.1) As I lay on the ground heart pumping, sweat dripping, cuts bleeding, I hear the other teams' crowd yelling louder than an atomic bomb explosion. Then, I here my head coach's footsteps. My heart drops and I feel like I'm sinking into the dirt under me. I was about to get up when he starts yelling at me. "What the heck were you thinking! You just lost the whole game for us and now you're just laying on the ground expecting someone to help you up!" My coach looks hysterical now, but I don't answer his question. So I get up, pull my act together, grab my bat, and walk into the dugout. My teammates have a disgusted look on their faces, and it looks like they're expecting me to apologize. I wouldn't do that in a million years. When we were a 10u team our coach told us that it was no ones fault that we lost. I guess he dropped that rule. I'm putting my gear away when Britney, our lead pitcher in my opinion, says"It's okay Taylor everybody makes mistakes." "Thanks." I say as quietly as I can. Now I'm walking over to a small tree where my coaches and the rest of the team are sitting. Now for the worst part, my coaches are going to talk to us about the game. "We all know most of us did great." my head coach said looking at me straight in the eyes. He continues "I just wish we could've won,but some bad decisions were made. There were especially bad mistakes in the last at bat." I felt sort of bad. Okay, really bad. I wanted to scream at him and run off to my mom and dad. I knew they would be a couple of the people who would be nice to me. Now it was the next coaches turn, Coach Jake, he said,"I pretty much have nothing to say, but that you guys never give up on yourselves, and I want you to know that." That makes me feel just a little bit better, but I still feel pretty bad. I basically ignored what Coach Jess said, and left as soon as I could. When I got close to where my family was, I dropped all my equipment and hugged my