Translate   12 years ago

How Do You Know You're In Love? Sometimes you know you're in love with someone because of everything you've been through, from the moment you met to where you are now. Sometimes it can start with brief encounters in the street for a while, then a Facebook friend request to a new friendship and before you know it you know everything there is to know about each other. You've cried in front of them before and they didn't laugh, but they wiped away your tears and told you that nobody else mattered and not to be so silly. But, the truth is. You really know you're in love with someone when you literally ache without them, if they hurt you and you forgive them and love them even more. You can't do anything without them and they don't abuse that trust you have in them. When you close your eyes at night and you can see your #life with them by your side, then the chances are, yes, you're in love and the chances are... They're in love with you too.

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