Translate   12 years ago

The Run Away I was having the worst day my mam and dad are always fighting so they got a divorce I don't no who I was going with my mam or my dad I was hoping my mam because she always takes care of me I was like a ragdoll to my dad I figured out who I was going with sadly my stupid dad .I ran away when I figured out. I didn't know where I was going so I just went we're there was water and then there was a cold breeze going through my ribs I kept on seeing things, a head without a body I don't really get scared but I knew I was just hallucinating but it kept coming closer so I started to run but I was a weakling I can't run like usane bolt it got closer and closer I tripped over a twig the head got closer and closer it became clearer I didn't know what to do so I reached my hand out my hand went straight through it ''ok now I'm scared '' I said I got up and ran for my #life I just got out of the woods I found a little tiny door there was a weird looking dude there standing beside the door I walked over and said'' hello'' he looked up at me and said ''what are you looking at" and ran of a little key fell out of his pocket I picked it up and brought over to the door and shoved the key in I opened the door and there was a scary dragon with sharp teeth and fiery breath and a scaly back and then something weird was happening on the other side half of one side was scary and dark and the other side was like a pretty little princess side it was weird so I went to the dark side because something always happens bad if your on the pretty princes side and there was freaky stuff but I pulled out my phone and tried to take a photo to show how awesome it was but it kept on going onto my messaging and started typing by itself It was freaky I ran because there was a shadow behind me and then about 5 miles of running from that stupid shadow. I got to a castle about as big as 400 houses length and 200 houses wide I started walking and then there was soldiers walking across a bridge I hid behind a really big pillar as soon as they walked across I made a run for it there was a big door I walked into it and there was loads of pictures of weird people with to much makeup on I started walking up the stairs somebody shouted "SERVANT GET ME SOME GREEN TEA" and then someone else said "yes your majesty " some one came down the stairs I was panicking I don't no where to hide eventually the servant seen me I whispered " please don't hurt me " the servant said "soldiers " big soldiers came in they took me away I was so scared they took me to the dungeon it was a dark wet smelly place with a hole as a toilet the dungeon that I was in had a skeleton I was really scared. The next day some soldiers came and had taken me to a thing where you have to put your head and hands in and then there was a blade at the top I was so scared there was a man in all black suddenly I seen the shadow that was following me I stared at it and then the man in all black just randomly fell I eventually got out of that thing that put me in and I ran the shadow followed me again I said "hello" the shadow said " where are you going?" I said "I don't know can you help me " he said " no "and ran I just started walking away on my way to my mam's house I remember where all the roads were so I followed them to my mam's house and I got there she said " you can stay here if you want " so I said " ok thank you"

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