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Voice In The Mirror I face the mirror on the wall I see the irony of it all I look at you and spot the faults But when it's me the mirror is fogged Mirror mirror on the wall See the hypocrisy of it all How am I above all faults But in you I see them all? Hypocrite me, despicable me When you come I'm nods and smiles Truth be told its scorn disguised For when you're gone I call you fake Hypocrite me, oh two-faced me I face the mirror on the wall I see the irony of it all Me and you, a one night stand Puffed with pride, I call it a score Then when you're gone i call you a whore I face the mirror on the wall And see the irony of it all Mirror mirror on the wall See the hypocrisy of it all? I look at you and see your faults But when it's me the mirror is fogged Mirror mirror on the wall Aren't we hypocrites, one and all?

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