Panic! Do You Feel It As Well? Every so often I get a recurring thought - one that scares me and sets me off in a panic. I think about the mortality of our lives, that really our jobs, possessions and feelings do not matter because at some point they really will not. Being brought up Catholic I always believed in an after#life, however, not being particularly religious anymore has left a certain emptiness. Not that I wish to become religious but sometimes I wish I could fool myself into believing in an after#life. So panic hits me in a rush - I end up thinking about my day and it all becomes slightly insignificant. I think of my family, loved ones and their mortality as well. It is a scary thought and, luckily, usually does not last long. I tend to accept #life as it is - try my best to be a good person and rejoice in the love that I have in my #life. Do you panic as well?

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