Translate   12 years ago

The Game: Chapter 2 It all started the day bird was shot... He came for me around 11am on sunday, "hey yo silverz! Come out here man!" I knew it was bird his typical joker voice made me smile. "be out in a second" i shouted. bird was pretty chunky, he was big and coulerd and always wore a puffy coat with sweats. "hurry up dog! Or i'mma break yo ass!" he said with a smile on his face "im here now, what do you want?" "I need to go get something from this guy at the mall, just abit of protection for us.." said bird in a sly voise. "bird, just dont get yo ass in trouble" i said "ill be fine dog! Stop worrying, c'mon we'll get drizzy to come to." we got in hos car, it was the realy old ford focus, blue with abit of rust here and there. Drizzy lived on the other side of the park, we all lived here. "got and music in here man?" i said to bird. "yeah what you want?" "anything" i said. "right birdy's gonna choose then!" bird began to laugh at himself, he always did this! "right, how about canadas very own, drake!?" i didnt even answer before he put the scratched cd into his player. All of a sudden i knew what song it was. 'over' his first song. "man i wish i could be like this, i said to bird, i mean he'a from canada, so are we whats the differance man?" "he had the money, now c'mon! Go knock for him man, dont get down about it dog!" i got out the car and thought to myself i my aswell give up im not gonna get famous, but i just thought for a split second what it would be like and i was hooked again. I knocked on drizzy's door. He answerd, "hey yo silverz! Why you here man?" "bird wants to pick something up from the mall of this guy." "pick what up?" "he said its for protection?" i said. "c'mon ladies!" said bird in his joker voise. Well all piled in the car, drake on full volume. We were all rhyming along to 'headlines'. In our eyes the best song that has ever been produced. We have drake on all the way to the mall, we pull up outside. "wait here, birdy will be back in a sec." he got out the car, zipped up his coat, and began to walk over to the mall, me and drizzy started rappin' along again as usual. I glanced up, and saw our rival gang(91 driving past the mall, "shit it 910! Bird!" he couldnt hear me me and drizzy could only watch, we tryed beeping the horn but he didnt turn around. 910 rolled down there window, pointing a pistol at bird he didnt know what was about to happen to him. There was a loud bang, and all i heard were screams from the people. I heard screaching tyers from people in cars skidding. Me and drizzy rushed out the car, sprinting down the sidewalk. We got through the crowd of people, to find bird lying on the sidewalk. He wasn't moving me and drizzy couldnt speak for shock. "drizzy get an abulance!" i shouted. Reality was starting to skin in. He was gone. Bird was dead..

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