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Metropolis Fail | o o o | (___) | o o | (___) ---------------------- The city. Day 1 //cross that. Day 2 it is// GFTD (goals for the day) -making toads --- //not roads, it is toads// The crew is working on it. Drilling in the ground to layer up the Tarmac. A mess. We couldn't really make toads so we went to make roads instead. Big mistake. Cars. Trucks to be precise. Rumbling and bumbling and shumbling and tumbling. No, I really mean it. Look. O-----O (llllll) - - - ^trucks' broken parts. Jsdjsjdjsjjdjsishediidjxhs ^worded description of the street. Day 2 //cross that. It's day 3// GFTD - fix damage --- I dug through my bank. The big one with a croaky knob. || ==O== || I don't know the password. I'll just turn it a bit here and there. At least I get money. . ^symbolic description of my money. //_\ ^me when I look at it. I'll just get people to help and I'll pay then with my wife's delicious cooking. She won't mind. Really. •_• ^my wife when I tell her to cook. Day 4 //my wife is gonna kill me// //omg, people are so nice! That's a dream. To make it come true they need the payback// _________________ ^street Stjsjsjxjdhxusjxhusbzjs ^worded description of my self . ^cooking pot contents ._. I try to confront her. She needs to know that I am the new president. And she has duties! She listens. That was simple. Now I make this a free market economy. That's it. ^peoples faces . ^my money and my control. I don't have to control the place anymore! Problem solved! Simply changing it to a free market economy was good. A place where government has no control over factors of production! Oh no $$$$$$ ^citezens current money ^theyre mood Don't blame me. I can't do anything )) ^me! ^my wife ;((( ^my son who wants $10,000 The end

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