The End And they lived happily ever after .... Is what I would want to tell you all. But #life does not always work out like that. So although they were able to live together, make peace with their own flaws as well as those of their partner, they did not live happily ever after. Happily ever after indicates that their lives remained peaceful, uneventful, and lets be honest, without passion. They lived. They loved. They continued #life with the fervour and dedication to living that most people wish they could have. And most of the time they were happy, but those happy moments were intersected with bitter moments. In #life we need the bitter to truly appreciate the happy - a horrible cliche to be sure, but something they found to be true. Together they faced the abyss and jumped in feet first, knowing the other was there to catch them. They loved more deeply and more selflessly than was imaginable considering the pain of their beginning. Their fires continued to burn deep into the sunset of old age, and their passion abounded. They had what most people wish for and only a few find. They had shared a connection that sustained them even in the darkest times. So no, they did not live happily ever after - happily ever after is boring. They lived. They truly lived. So I revise my earlier statement. And they lived together, full of love for each other and those around them, ready to deal with all that #life still had to deal to them, until the end of their days.
Rebekah Bowsher
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