Translate   12 years ago

The Garden of Hesper Cordona is a flower picker at the Garden of Hesper. Though the flowers there are not made of gold like those in Apollo's garden, they have medicinal properties which is almost magical. She was instucted to pick some fairfoxes today. She went towards the brook were the fairfoxes grow, passing the tree which bears shiny fruits. Like golden apples, she thought. But the thought passed quickly. She wanted to get one of those fruits the first day she saw it; but when she was about to pluck, one she saw a huge chunk of amber at the base of the tree shaped like a star. It was so shiny. She decided to pick it up first instead. She was so happy of her find that she had forgotten about wanting the golden fruit. What she didnt know was that the tree is, of course, magical. Only the one who needs the golden fruit, not the one who only wants it will be able to pluck one. The tree always finds ways to distract anyone who wants to get its fruit. On her way to the brook... To be continued

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