Love What is love? We all crave it. We all feel that it is our right to be loved. But love is not a right, love is a need. We all need somebody to love us, somebody to care, for where would we be without the love of one another. #life is lonely, it throws us into the deep caves of #depression, but love is the driving force that has the power to pull us out of those caves, get us back on our feet and make living worthwhile. Love isn't something that we should receive, it is also something that we should regularly do. Love is an action, and should never be thought of as 'just a word' nor should it be used casually as many people use it today. People mistake love for lust, and there is a huge difference between the two. Lust is the more hazy, fake form of love where you don't actually love a person. You love the words that come out of their mouth, the way they act or how they look, not the actual person themselves. And I'm not saying lust is a bad thing, because we all will fall into it a few times, but once you find the person that you are meant to spend the rest of your #life with, you will have no doubt in your mind that it is love. Most of all love is a choice. You have to choose to love and to let be loved. You have to make that decision for yourself. Just as somebody cannot force you to love them, they also cannot force their love upon you. Love has to be a mutual decision between both parties, not a one ended struggle for attention.

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