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World In My Mind #projecthumanity I've been sitting here, Waiting, watching, Watching the years go by, I look at my watch, Where has time gone? I have been in a world of my own, A world of mysteries, Magic and glee, A world of happiness, Joy and love, Just to escape! But now I'm back, Back in the real world, A world of facts, Truth and #depression, A world of sadness, Solemn and hate! Why is this world so violent? So hateful? So loveless? Could it not be like the world in my mind? Where love prospered for everyone, And where joy conquered all, Where there was no sadness or hate, And everyone was happy! The real world is shit! Wars ravage beautiful land, While dictators kill civilians, Left, Right, Centre, The sea washes away millions of people, And earthquakes ruin lives. People are worse, With their Murder, Theft, Fraud, There is so much hate, So much sorrow, So much illness, Why can't it be simple, Why can't it be happy, Like the world, The paradise, In my mind?

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