Translate   12 years ago

Billions Of Galaxies When the darkness begins When the day ends When you reach over And make a blind grab for my hand When the sun bursts Into a thousand flames And we're gone But the wind still holds our names When will He come? Im not sure, But we can trust the Words When will we walk Right out of this #life? And into the light I am too far gone For you to reach I've been made anew And I can't stand the heat You are so far down Underneath me You have remained the same Oh so perfectly When will we see why There are billions Billions of galaxies He Created them all for us Billions of galaxies Billions of galaxies to live If we were to leave on the morn Would go or stay on Earth? He is letting us choose our fate -More of a Christian song, my explanation of why the universe is so...big. Sorry if it offends your religion or anything. Love ya guys<3-

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