Translate   12 years ago

Jess And Gary Extract Hello my name is jess and I'm going to tell you a incredible story about me my family and a cat called Gary. I was born on 11,10,1999 in a little town called hoop village England. My house was the most dustiest house ever as dusty as a lock up attic.Me,my mum and my grandmother lived in it most of are lives.I hated it in there it was riddled with bugs and rats,that made me shiver.My mother was always repeating herself saying "we can't afford a new house because your father had died and we don't have a job"she would say,with tears in her eyes,so I would have to help with the chraw around the house. I love my dad ,more than word could say but then sadly,my beloved dad died in a car accident on the way to work,that was the worst day of my #life and ever since then my useless #life has been full of despair. Somedays I would feel like running away and never coming back,and forgetting the past.i know I would not miss my mum and nan one bit.For one my nan is as sleep always so she wouldn't even notice me gone !!As well she's totally crazy,my mum is the most uncaring person in the world she wouldn't even mind me in the end I decided to go on an adventure for freedom and happiness I woke up early this morning,the time was 30,I grabbed my bag"this is my chance to ex cape "I whispered,but I must of made a bit noise because the next thing I hear is "jess what are you doing"coming from mothers bedroom."nothing"I lied.I put on my whellys quietly without anyone hear,and sunk out the door."YES I WAS OUT I " i shouted forgetting it was three a clock in the morning.i made a ran until I reach a sigh saying YOU ARE NOW IN THE SHELTER,FOOD,HOME FOR ALL AGES TO STAY FOR A NIGHT.I stepped inside in total shock,how skinny everyone was,then my glittering eye caught site of the abandon black and white cat,staring anxiously at anyone who dared to come hand felt the need to stroke the beautiful cat like a magnet drawing closer and closer each time.The cat hissed continually at me as I say next to the anxious cat,then suddenly the cat stopped hissing.There was a silence.I stroked the cat,she was as soft as a fluffy pillow,then unexpectedly the cat started to purr,"PURR PURR"."i think he likes me" I thought.The cat just kept following me,even at night he cuddled me and that was the first time in years since dad died that I felt love inside me. All last night my brain constantly wondering think on names for the cat "bob,flabby ,follower,Gary, perfect Gary"I thought. Excitedly I jumped up with power of strength and joy wondering what's going to happen today.I woke Gary up,and sneaked him in her bag for what's the point of a cat dieting in a shelter.A mysterious police man came up to me,my face went pale as a sheep,"where do you think your going without your parents"He said sternly.......

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