Poverty In The 21st Century It’s the 21st century The media displays it day and night, Poverty. Poverty across the globe lies Poverty cries out from the belly of little boys Little girls, parents too Desperately searching for food, Shelter, clothing, for love, Companion, for attention Those with plenty, refuse To amend, a world haunted by Poverty. Is poverty affecting the rich? Are their poverty the same As the poor in financial constrains? For they, too, poverty of love I see poverty in the learned I see poverty in those whose Selfish acts are destroying society. I see poverty in all level of humanity The world is still an imperfect place Yet #life is still beautiful, the wind Blows, we see it not, give thanks For what you possess, now go, Help if you can along the way, Help to eradicate poverty In your surrounding, widen Your boundary across your Country, to nations of the world. Help to fight poverty, now!
Diana âðâð
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