Monsters On The Moor (Reprise) When the stars align And the churchbells chime She'll flee with her red hair flowing Fighting against the wailing wind blowing To escape the monsters stalking her on the moor. The#moonwon't light her way Her mind will tell her face fate Brethren will gather as she staggers through the heather To get back to her lover's side She'll collapse on the Glen In the hidden valleys of the highlands And when she's half-dead Out of love and not fed That's when they'll get her, the monsters on the moor. Her heart, they'll take her heart Sacrifice it to the gods above Her brain, they'll take her brain Eat it, her knowledge feeds their lust Race to her, help her back limping on your shoulder Hold her tight, her mind will fight The monsters on the moor For the monsters, They are not there. The moor, Does not exist. The brethren, Little more than whimseys The monsters haunt her head The monsters haunt her bed Hold her close, prevent her lashings Hold her close to her bed

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