Translate   12 years ago

Mirror, Mirror #nightdwellers#beginningline I was stood frozen, facing the old ornate mirror, and too scared to open my eyes..... My hands scrunched the satin of my Wedding dress, until my nails dug into my palms, piercing my skin. My heart beat a deafening sound in my ears - as I tried to breath, to calm down, to stay in control and forget what had just happened. I could smell the blood, I knew it was on my dress, in my hair, sticky in my hands, but still I dared not look in the mirror. His words echoed around my head - "I know the timings bad love, but I have to confess before we're married. She means nothing to me, it's over now. Well she seduced me you know, what's a man to do?? You wanting to wait until our wedding and all- come on love, no need to be like that. How was I supposed to know she was an old friend of yours? Jesus I nearly died when I saw her in the church party - that's why I need to tell you love, so she won't make a scene......" On and on he prattled, well, I just had to shut him up didn't I? He didn't make a sound, just a look of horror on his face as the knife came back out. But the blood, who knew there could be so much?? And the smell.... And the mirror, I dared not look....... "You know this mirrors haunted" yelled Jack to his girlfriend Emma. "Really?" Emma asked. Normally she wouldn't have bought it, but something about that mirror had always scared her. "Yea" Jack went on. "Some jilted bride went a bit nuts and stabbed her hubby to be in front of it. Must have been over 50 yrs ago now. They say she still stands here, some folks even say they've seen her at night just stood in the reflection with her eyes closed." Emma quickly pulled the dust sheet back over the glass - "well, it needs to go then!" She stated quickly. "I don't want it anywhere near this house, especially after the wedding next week" "Oh I don't know, but it looks like it might be worth a bit" Jack mused. As they left the room, Emma paused. "Did you hear that? I could have swore I heard a sob!" "No love, must be your imagination playing tricks on you. But what did you say your friend was called, the one coming up for the wedding?....."

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