Translate   12 years ago

Adoption: part 4 november is national adoption month. i just want to personally thank all the parents out there that have adopted and have given a child or children a loving, caring , amazing family . i myself am adopted and i know first hand that it takes alot of heart and faith to adopt. that is what really warms my heart to see all of these couples adopting and loving the child /children like they were their own flesh and blood . God did say in "Matthew 18:5 whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcome me" he is telling us to love and care for his child / children and love them with everything we have the same way we love our God the heavenly father. the parents have to give up alot / put aside alot to take care of their child/ children . they spend their time lifting their child/ children from rock bottom , healing a any wounds , fixing broken hearts ; putting a smile on their faces , rocking them to sleep, nursing them back to health , saving them from their abusers and their bulliers. i am very thankfull that their are these amazing couple out there giving a child / children a second chance at #life .. <3 rj

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