Darklings. There lives little creatures called darklings, They thrive out of the light, They fester in the darkness, But come crawling out at night, When the sun won't shine through windows, World a balanced shade of black, They creep out the corners of my brain And make their attack. They catch me of guard with their coldness, Tiring me, wearing me down, They make me feel like I'm drowning, Sinking through the ground. I'm told that I am useless, They confirm my greatest fears, 'No ones ever here,' they say, And I scream, but no one hears. They then attack my morals, 'Your selfish, stupid, have you no shame? There are people with lives harder then yours!' But that's their big mistake- I remember I am fortunate, I remember I am loved, I thank for what I have been given, And I promise I will do good, The fight, it comes back in me, A light somewhere turns on, 'But I'm kind, and I am giving- And what's more I am strong!' The darklings shy away from me, The sun back in my eyes, 'Well be back again!' They scream, And they tell no lies, But now, the morning is coming, The warmth, the light of sun, And I smile and make my way in #life, Knowing, for now at least, I've won.