Diary Of A Space Farmer Vol 1 SD22:11:2228. Arrived and the port today, fucking 12 hour induction of pointless holo Convos , I hate the holos to much interaction with them gives me a caining head for some reason, always been the same even when I was at school more than 10 minutes with a holo and I feel like someone has smashed my skull in. Hopefully I can jump an early shuttle in the morn I don't fancy hanging around the port for to long tommorow , you can smell the desperation in the air, I heard the church attacked the main building yesterday but no one is saying much, I must speak to jimmy before I leave, if anyone can give me some real news it's him. I going to miss the old bastard his always been there,but I know this is the right move with the population on earth and both moons at breaking point and at least I get a 2 room personal space with this job, which is more than most can say these days,I thought I'd feel something considering its the last time my feet will be on solid ground but I don't, I must ring jimmy. SD23:11:2228. What a complete waste of a day, iv missed the last shuttle which means I am stuck here for two more days. It's my own fault I lost track of time trying to find jimmy. No contact on the coms, which was weird , so I took a transit to the sub levels, he hasn't been at his sleep cell in 3 days ????. I hate the sub levels so many locals strung out on realty trips, begging for Filtered air and credits. It makes me even more sure iv made the right choice. Anyway I looked every where I could think and no joy, I even paid a visit to the old bitch he used fuck with back in day but nothing. I really want to see him before I leave, will check the death sheets in the morning I pray his not on them. On a plus side the smog lifted this evening I could actually see the moons and my new home, I can't put into words how it looks from down here, we've all seen the promo vids and images but to see it there, waiting to start its never ending journey is crazy. Can it work, will it work, who fucking knows all I know is that I get a double sleep cell with a window. All the core samples were shipped up today so I will have plenty to keep me busy when I finally get up there. Met a few of the science crew today seem like not a bad bunch, the red head Kirsty is fucking tasty for a bod, shame physical contact is prohibited without a license. S.D24:11:2228 Still no joy in my hunt for jimmy his name was not on the death sheets, I went back to his cell and left a holo, I didn't say everything I wanted to but its better than nothing. I can only hope his off world on the outer rims, maybe on one of the private rigs but something don't feel right, he has my com number and Probably a year before I am out of earths communication range, I hope his ok.thank you old man. As I was leaving the port today the families were starting to arrive and take their shuttles must have been two thousand of em, not many kids tho maybe a couple of hundred 3 unit family's and all new borns, no older children, as I left the gate all you could hear was the church extremists protesting. Shouting about how we are all going to be punished by hell fire for leaving gods kingdom, it scares me how much faith they have in something that's never been proved,you can see it in the eyes they have no fear of dying for a god they have never met or seen it sends chills down my spine thinking about it, all the great things science has achieved and theses fuckers think god will save them, stupid bastards, my mother didn't teach me much but the one thing she did teach me was the only person you can save you is you.Its only going to get worse, thank fuck my shuttle is tomorrow afternoon. And since its my last night on the rock I shall pay a visit to erotica palace iv been horny as hell since I met red yesterday .I swear I can still smell the scent she was wearing.