Translate   12 years ago

Europe Chapter 1 "Congratulations Agent Davies. That was your best mission to date. I am afraid that now though, we have a new mission for you." the head of MI5 known as Mr Z had a tendency to keeping agents in their feet. Not letting rest after a mission. "Of course Sir" the mission Mr Z was talking about seemed absurd to Mark Davies, MU5's best agent. He was being asked to work with agents from other European intelligence services. The French Desienne Bureau, Russia's KGB and even the Bundesnachrichtendienst from Germany!!! " It was bound to happen sooner or later, I mean the Shintoi, evil," Z continued. As he was leaving MI5's main HQ by the Thames, Davies considered the information he had just been given. He pondered on the idea of telling his wife the truth. That he wasn't head of marketing at BT and he didn't keep going abroad for business trips. That every time she thought he was in a luxury hotel he was actually risking his #life. However, even the notion was stupid. He daren't worry her. She'd make him resign immediately. As he tried to clear his head of this terrible thought, he instinctively checked that all of his weapons were still concealed in his bullet proof short and heat resistant tie.

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