Translate   12 years ago

Muder Laura Unnerving cries, slip through the cracks and window panes of this house. Shrieks and screams so blood curddling. The pain, flows through your body, your veins; your heart beat grows faster. Louder and louder the agony grows, pounding and pounding inside your head by guilt and empathy. Closer you approach and the clearer things are. You watch the blade drive down in drastic blows as demon shrills caress your ear. Again and again, as #life is drifting away, the ora of evil succumbs you. And then nothing. Absolute quiet fills the heavily scented air. For a moment you feel at ease, until you see a body squirm and let out a soft groan. And you stroll over to the battered scene, whispering, "I'm sorry," as you slice through skin and fall painlessly on earthly ground.

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