ترجم   منذ 12 سنوات

Are All Humans Selfish? The rebellious teens will say "Of course all humans are selfish!" They must first understand the difference between -selfishness- and -self interest-. Selfishness could be defined as doing something to gain more than you have now, rather it be wealth, power, health, happiness, or mindless objects. Self interest, on the other hand, may be doing things to maintain how you are right now, staying happy, staying healthy, etc. Let's look at eating food as an example. Are you eating the food because it tastes good? Are you eating and not thinking about all of those starving children in the commercials who don't have food? Are you eating for the enjoyment of fine cuisine? Selfish. Or are you eating because you need substance to live? Even though there are starving children, it wouldn't help them any if you ate less. Your interest in your own health may not be selfish, just a needed awareness. Self interest. Then, as always, there are the grey areas, the wishy-washy, in between that most people believe is the best option. All humans are selfish at times and self interested at other moments. But that's no fun.

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