The Price Of Power (1) Chapter 1 - One Door Closes "Andrew, I don't have much time to write this letter, I will fill it with as much as I can. They're coming to kill me as I always knew they would. I have been forewarned and am ready for them. I won't make it, you have to be ready they could come for you. You're special Andrew, you are more than you know and are capable of so much. I know you'll have noticed that you can do certain things that other people can't, don't be scared to embrace all that it is and enjoy it. Your abilities are a gift and have to be enjoyed. Mother Nature has been kind to our family in many ways. I'm sorry for not being there as much as I should have. I want you to know that everything I did was for you and your mother, to give you the best #life possible and to protect you. I hope you can forgive me. I wish I could have achieved what I aimed to in the time away from you but I have failed and for that I am sorry. With my death you will become stronger, learn to control yourself. I have arranged for a friend of mines and a trusted ally to contact you. Trust him he will help you and answer any questions you have. Be safe Your Father" The letter I hold in my hand is supposedly from my father. He abandoned me and my mother when I was 5 and we have never seen or heard of him since. Clearly this is the scribblings of a maniac or someone with a strange sense of humor. I won't even show my mum she has enough to deal with. It arrived while I was getting ready for college just as I was about to walk out the door. I throw it towards the bin in my room, it misses and lands at the foot of my desk. I decide its not worth going back for I head for the door and turn to shout my goodbyes then I remember she's at work. I lock the door and head to college. I study Photography at a local college, I love it I can just escape into the world with my camera and let everything else just slip away. It's just me and my camera. I always walk through the park in the mornings, its quiet, peaceful and full of photo opportunities. It seems a lot more quieter than usual there's normally Mrs Graham walking her dog or some exercise nuts. This morning its silent and there is no movement, its so still I jump as a bird flies from a tree and glides over my head. As I reach the halfway mark I start to feel dizzy and sick. I stop at a nearby tree as I can feel the build up in my throat as if threatening to vomit, a second later that threat changed to a promise. I wipe my mouth and try to regain composure but the dizziness just intensifies then everything goes black.

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