Talitha's Travels French fancies "Hmmmph", said Talitha as she stared through the windowpane. Talitha was a tabby cat. Glistening green eyes, and a playful nature and the most shiniest fur you would ever have seen. But today Talitha was bored. She had played with her ball of yarn, chased her tail and even used her scratching post. But still she wasn't satisfied. Being as cocky as most cats can be. Talitha decided she was going to go on an adventure! But where, she thought? 'The desert?' "No. Much too hot", she declared. The North Pole? "Much too cold!" She said. "I know!" "I'll go to France" she meowed. Talitha darted to her cat bed and pulled out a brown suitcase and began to pack. "Tuna. Check. Blanket. Check. Sunglasses. Check. Sandals. Check." And most importantly, Talitha couldn't forget her passport and money! "Hmmm, now how to get to the airport?" Talitha questioned. Just as Talitha was about to give up a big red double decker bus stopped at the bus stop across the road. "Brilliant" she cheered. Talitha grabbed her bag, threw on her coat and ran for the bus. "WAIT!" Talitha shouted. "Phew. That was close. I almost missed it" she said to the driver. "That would have been unlucky." He replied. Talitha paid the bus fare and took a seat on the bus. Before she knew it she was at the Airport. Talitha couldn't wait to fly on her very first plane. She marched over to the ticket desk and purchased a return ticket to Paris, France and made her way to board the flight. "Tickets at the ready, please!" A flight attended announced. "It's my first time flying" Talitha said to the lady. "I'm a little scared". "Don't worry, we'll make sure you have the best first flight ever" said the flight attendant. "24A" Talitha read. "Ah, here it is!" Talitha placed her bag in the compartment and took her seat next to a pleasant looking old man. "Bonjour!" Said Talitha in her best French accent. "Oh yes, bonjour to you too" said the gentleman. He was wearing a grey suit, and reading a paper. He looked very smart. "Will this be your first time visiting Paris?" He asked. "Well yes it is. It's my first time flying too. I'm very excited bit nervous at the same time" she said while blushing a Rosie pink colour. "There's nothing to be nervous about, there's so much you can do in Paris. You can climb all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower, eat yummy pastry and make friends with French people!" Said the joyful old man. "Oh wow!" The engines started up, and the plane made its way to the runaway. ZOOOOOOOM! And the plane was away. Up, up, and up the plane went. Getting higher and higher. "Wooooooo!" Cheered Talitha with excitement and joy. "This is fun! We're so high!" About ten minutes later a short lady came to the old man and Talitha and asked them if they would like anything to drink. "Well what do you have?" The old man inquired. "We have tea, water, orange juice and milk." "Milk?!" Talitha jumped for joy. Milk was her favourite. And even better when slightly heated. "I'll most definitely have a warm milk please!" Talitha never forgot to say please. Her owners had always taught her good manners. The short lady passed her a cup of milk, and a napkin and then gave the gentleman some milk too. *gulp*. Talitha finished her milk on one big mouthful! "You do like your milk, don't you!" Said the old man politely. "Woah!" Talitha exclaimed, "why are we going down?! And so fast?" "Well to land, of course" he chuckled. The plane began diving down until it reached the runway. Bump, skid, bump, bump. The plane whizzed by and then gently came to a standstill. 'Welcome to Paris' read a great big sign,Talitha could see through her window. Talitha was so excited she could barely wait to get off of the plane. "Bye, good sir" "Goodbye. Have a wonderful time" replied the man. Talitha grabbed her bag, ran off the plane, through the Airport and hopped straight into a taxi. "Bonjour. Eiffel Tower, please sir" she gasped. "Ah oui oui" said the relaxed driver. Talitha couldn't believe it. 'I finally made it to Paris' she thought. She could barely contain her excitement. A short drive later and the driver pulled into a small space so Talitha could get out. Talitha paid the driver, said thank you and slowly walked over to the bustling tower. Beautiful gardens and parks surrounded the tower, people in French hats eating chocolate pastry all a round. "First things first" she said. "I shall get to the top of the tower!" Talitha started walking up the steps to make her way to the top. She climbed and climbed until finally she reached the very top! The sun shone down, the birds tweeted and Talitha enjoyed the view over Paris. She even got a polaroid photo as a memento. That was one thing ticked off the old mans list of things to do in Paris! Talitha walked all the way back down the tall tower. *gargle, grumble, grumble* her stomach growled. All that walking had made her very hungry. But what should she eat? "PASTRY!" She shouted! She could smell it, but where is it? Talitha would have to use her very keen sense of smell to find out where the scent of pastry was coming from. She sniffed and sniffed until, tada! She'd found it! She'd found the pastry van. "Bonjour" "Bonjour Madame" said the pastry van owner. "Would you like a pastry?" He asked. "Yes! Your finest, chocolate pastry, merci" she said with excitement in her eyes. She paid the man and took the pastry. She couldn't wait to eat it. It was fresh out the oven. Steam coming off it, melting chocolate dripping down the crispy golden pastry. Her mouth was watering. She took her first bite. Talitha's eyes light up. She'd never tasted anything like it, it was magical. She licked her whiskers and ate the rest. "Wow!" She exclaimed. She had to have another. She ran back to the van, and waited for another. "Back so soon?" Grinned the pastry van owner. "Yes. It was delicious sir. Please, please can I have another? I've never had anything like it" Talitha said confidently. "Why thank you" gushed the Frenchman. "Of course. It's on the house. You pay nothing, for such lovely, kind words. Enjoy" he said with a very strong French accent. "Thank you, Monsieur" Talitha ate the pastry even faster than the first. It tasted even better too! She didn't think it could be possible. But as she gulped down her last mouthful Talitha realised she'd made a French friend. The pastry van owner! And just in time too! She had to leave. "But I don't want to go" Talitha said sadly as she stared up at the clock. Glumly, Talitha said goodbye to the pastry owner. "Au revoir, mon ami!" Shouted the Frenchmen. "Mon ami? Ah, my friend! I'm his friend" she cheered. Talitha got onto another taxi and made her way to the airport. On the journey to the airport Talitha day dreamed through the window as the geese flew over. They were coming over a bridge. The view was breath taking. Little French houses and parks across the river, put a shy smile on Talitha's face. Before she knew it, the taxi driver had got her to the airport in no time. Talitha still had time before she had to get on her plane, so she decided she'd try one last French delicacy. Talitha slinked over to the cafe and ordered snails. The waitress offered her a sample first. "YUCK!" Talitha spat the snail out. "On second thoughts, I'll just have a warm milk to go" She checked her bags in, gave the attendant her ticket and took her seat on the plane. And you'll never guess who came and sat next to her... The old man! "Hello, again! Did you enjoy France?" "I most certainly did. I got to the top of the Eiffel Tower, ate the most delicious pastry and even made friends with the pastry maker! It's been wonderful" she said, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Oh it sounds delightful!" He said. "Shall we have a warm milk?" He asked her. "Oh most definitely" Talitha said locking her lips. For the duration of the flight, Talitha and the polite old man discussed what Talitha most enjoyed about Paris. "The pastry of course" she said, still tasting it upon her lips. "Welcome to England" Talitha read as the plane landed on the runway. "Hmmph, oh I do wish I were back in Paris" she sighed. "Well you can always visit again" said the polite old man joyfully. As she did to get to the airport, Talitha had to catch a bus. *yawn* Talitha had grew tired after all her galavanting. She pondered into the house, placed her bag by her bed, placed her plane ticket on her bed side table and curled up for a cat nap. "Ah there you are Talitha" cooed her owner, Jenny. "I were beginning to worry about you!" Talitha purred as Jenny lovingly stroked Talitha's head. She closed shed eyes, and began to dream of her next adventure. Where will she venture to next? You'll have to wait and see. The end.

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