Translate   12 years ago

My Aunt's friend's goddaughters second cousin thrice removed's #life story Hello my name is Welda. Im from Bolivia. I ran away and crossed through many Borders and into new, undiscovered Lands. I went to LesboPrincessland and married a loaded prunicorn ( princess crossed with a unicorn) who owned a rainbow! I picked up and apple off the ground. I took a bite, I realised it had prunicorn poo smeared all over it!!! I had a panic attack cos I'm nervous about germs and I passed out!!!! I needed to take a chill pill I thought. And so I did. It tasted amazing but I don't remember much after that - I didn't realise how strong those pills were!!!! Oh well. I didn't actually care so I at the whole sack and totally chilled!!!! The after effect was so strong I died and my prunicorn wife picked me off the floor and ate everything except from my heart which she displayed in a glass cabinet. And so I died in LesboPrincessland where my heart still remains... Oh dear it must be rotten now!!!!

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