Translate   12 years ago

My Kit I used to know you, In some ways I still do, But the passage of time, Divided us two, A dormant volcano, Burst emotions to the skies, And right now I'm wishing, To be by your side, Could I not see this coming? Did I make a mistake? By travelling to your house, In a fucked up state, The words you spoke, Helped me so much, I'm beginning to return, Where I was out of touch, Powerless to resist, Hearing you talk about you, Even when you go off tangent, And start talking about fugue, Now here's the hitch, Something else misplaced, "I'm not in the right place", Is the harsh reality faced, If you still know me, In some ways I'm sure you do, Maybe once more you'll see a wolf, Who can't help but fall for you. x

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