Translate   12 years ago

Song Bird One Blood. Blood everywhere. My arrow - my favourite one, the one with the leaf markings - fly back to my hand. The droplets of blood on the granite floor came from its tip. The tip that just took another #life. Did I feel anything, anything at all? Seemed like the answer was no. I jump to the broken window, the shards of glass laying next to the bodies now motionless, #lifeless. A hand twitched. I took one arrow from the pouch on my back, adjusted it on my bow, and fired. Bullseye. I was born to do this. This, is my destiny. I will forever be a monster... And then I woke up. Breathe... Breathe. In. Out. Good, that's good Sierra. I gazed at the dream catcher hanging from my window. Useless. Absolutely useless. Sighing, I relax my body from the position of knees tucked under my chin and tossed my duvet to the right. 03: 55 am, my clock read. I let out a groan of impatience. Why can't it be seven already? Dreadful dreams like those have been happening to me for as long as I can remember... At first blurry, but as I start to grow up, they've become even more HD. I rub my arms with my bare, cold hands and stumble outside my bedroom. The landing was dark, which didn't help my growing fear of being watched. Eyes following your every move. Hand reaching for your arm and... I whipped around. Nothing. I swear I heard the tap tap tap of footsteps. Shaking my head, I quickly told my feet to hurry it up and get to the bathroom, hauled the door open and slammed it shut. A glance at my reflection on the mirror, clearly showed my lack of sleep. It was all that stupid dream's fault. I turned the tap on and splashed cold water on my face, opened the door, took a breath and ventured outside. It was when I took my first step when the creak of the floorboards entered my ears, made my heart beat furiously in my chest and made my eyes dart all over me. Man up, Sierra. I let out a breath and took another step. And another, and another, and another. By now, I was facing my bedroom door about to yank it open when the feeling of someone's breath, made me scream and then laughter. Laughter, could be heard. "Pete!" I yelled, throwing lame punches at his side. He was clutching his belly while sprawled across the floor, me on top of him as he continued to laugh at my face. This is my dork of an older brother, who loved to scare me to death. A bedroom door swung open and out came mum, wrapped in her purple robe and her hair in a messy bun. She glared at us, but ended up bursting out laughing. This was a common occurrence in the Blanche household. Scribble. Scratch. Swoosh. My sketch book was full of pointless drawings, but this one... this one was nowhere near pointless. I continued to add shading to the bow in my dreams, making sure to accentuate the leaf markings. I had the feeling that this bow and that bizarre yet dreadful dream was going to occupy my head with questions. Trust me though, I'd much rather forget about it than have it stuck in the recesses of my brain. The stereo was playing the latest track and my seat belt still annoyed me. Pete was drumming with his hands, playing the tropical beat on his lap and mum was humming along to the music. I, Sierra Blanche, am very lucky to have such a crazy family. Note the sarcasm. After about twenty minutes or so, mum pulled up outside Evergreen Secondary School as Pete - looking like he might just pee on the car seat - thrust the door open and slammed it shut, happily running over to his posse. Mum turned to give me a crazy look which made me burst into snorts of laughter and kissed her on the cheek as a sign of "see you later". I climbed out and looked at the throng of students piling outside the buildings. You wouldn't think that this place was a school. More like a gothic-looking cathedral. "Sieeeerra!" I whipped to my right and found my best friend Josie Trinkle with her arms wide open, running to me. Josie gave the most painful hugs, what her dad being a boxer and growing up with yelling at the TV and fighting with her four brothers on who would get the last chicken for dinner. I sometimes wonder what her secret for survival is. She couldn't be alive right now, considering her four brothers were huge. And I meant, huge HUGE. I stepped away from her figure with my arms out in front of me, shaking my head. As much as I love my best friend, I didn't want to die right here on this spot. Nuh-uh. She gave me a pout and the cross of her arms, but I still shook my head at her, pushing my way to form with a sulking redhead behind me. Today, seemed like a drag. I waved to Josie as she got in her dad's car, her dad smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up. I grinned. Josie's dad was awesome. As I waited for mum and waved by to Pete - he had band practice - I kept myself busy by continuously kicking a stone. After a while, the place felt deserted and I felt the creeps creeping into my stomach again. Hurry up, mum. The wind howled in my ear and I shivered, feeling the eyes, feeling the hand... I whipped around and there in front of me, stood a boy. He slowly walked over to me, my heart beating those badump badumps. I know I should run, but I was frozen. Soon, he was in front of me, his breath on my head. "Are you Sierra?" He asked. I nodded. He looked into my eyes, his penetrating mine and poring into my soul and whispered two words. "Song Bird."

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