Translate   12 years ago

Hello, this is the story of my #life. I wrote this because I wanted to share my experiences with the rest of the world, once it is out in the open I can be accepted into the world. My name is Cristina Pollyanna Mitchell Crimson. I was born in a slum in Carangua, Madagascar on 14th August 1989. My father ran away my as soon as the news broke out that my mother was pregnant with me. A rich, famous person called Richard Crimson came to Madagascar to see what #life was really like, living it rough. He met my mother and fell in love with her, because she was indeed incredibly beautiful and always picked up he attention of most men. The rich man took my mother and I to the Great Wall of China and the two of them got married in the most pretty temples attached to the wall. On that day a kind, lady Yanghai Shishi looked after me. My mother, Hingua Mingelker, now Hingua Crimson. Richard took us back to his vast, elaborate palace in England, we were served by servants. We had started a brand new #life. A scream. I died. My mother grieved. Robert didn't care after all. He had fooled us. He was a bad man. He was a massacre killer. He murdered me. We thought he was nice. We were wrong. How wrong we were. We had never considered it. He killed and assaulted my mum. Little did he know I would come back to haunt him on many sleepless nights. Written by Felicity Dunn

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