To Swear Or Not To Swear I'm not ashamed to admit it but I do like to swear...... It has got me thinking though why do I swear? Does it make me feel better? More importantly how do I pick that one (or sometimes several in my case) swear word that best suits the mood that I am in? For me swearing is most definitely cathartic, it provides me with a chance to vent all my anger or frustration that I am feeling. Some may argue that its not the most eloquent way to express oneself, however I feel that sometimes a few choice expletives goes down a treat. Swearing can also signify a range of emotions from joy to surprise, from sadness to 'Holy shit what the fuck are you wearing!?' Here is a biggie. How do you choose what word to use and when? Such things need to be considered, for example what sort of company are you surrounded by? What is the social setting? How pissed are you? People are much less likely to use the 'better' swear words at work for fear of recrimination, however generally speaking in my experience all the fun words tend to come out to play when I'm surrounded by my friends, and the Jagerbombs are a flowing. I've also noticed that girls in particular when it comes to boys treat swearing a little like breaking wind. Its a big fat no no until you have securely got them under your thumb and there is no escape. Quick tip... Swearing can be used to achieve a specific reaction from others. By swearing you are injecting a direct and succinct emotional component into any discussion that you happen to be a part of. Imagine that you want to comment on an event, a play or gig for example. Which of the two sounds better? 'That gig was awesome!' 'That gig was fucking awesome!' Be honest. I know which one I would rather see. The addition of the swear word only emphasises the emotional reaction towards the event - and it easily conveys the emotional reaction to others in the conversation. Virtually everyone swears, and with brilliant consistency. From the day we open our gummy little baby mouths we are gearing up for that first swear word. We test them, roll our tongues around the tasty little taboo nuggets. We eventually take them for granted and pepper all of our sentences, just for added flavour mind. Its a part of human speech development. It knows no social boundaries and is universal to us all. Nice to know that we all have that is common at least. Swearing like milk is brilliant. People may think that swearing is crude and unladylike. I however will tell them to piss off because I like to think of swear words as sentence enhancers. So there.
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